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gospel choir

Philosophy of Choir

Singing in a choir is an aesthetically pleasing art form that exists as basic human
communication. Human beings are naturally drawn to communication standards that are effective at communicating emotions, beauty, and needs. Choir does this more efficiently and more satisfyingly than any other form of communication. Since communication is a vital component of human interaction, people who engage in making music in a choir better develop their communication and social interaction skills. This aids in helping them to grow as a human being and become a better person. Students who become better people and better communicators through music are more prepared for the transition from school into the workforce once their individual periods of education have ended in their lives. Aesthetically pleasing human interaction is a big creator of community and fellowship. Situations that are comfortable and pleasurable to human beings are more inducive to fostering community within the aesthetically pleasing community. Students able to form bonds and relationships through choir are likely to maintain those friendships because they were formed in the trials and tribulations of creating and making something excellent. Community and fellowship are basic human needs. As humans develop and become more advanced as they are schooled, they begin to gravitate towards groups in order to fulfill their need of community and fellowship. Providing students with a healthy form of community that develops their communication and social interaction skills gives them a better alternative to communities which are negatively effective to them as human beings.
Singing is an art form that exists as basic human communication. Communication is a vital part of interaction, and aesthetically pleasing human interaction is a great builder of community. Community and fellowship are basic human needs, and choir provides a safe and developmental community for students.

Philosophy of Choir: About
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